Zeta Chapter
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About US
Lambda Phi Epsilon was founded on February 25, 1981, by principal founder Mr. Craig Ishigo and a group of eighteen other dedicated men on the campus of the University of California of Los Angeles. By forming Lambda Phi Epsilon as a new Asian American fraternity, the founders hoped to set new and higher standards of excellence for all Asian-interest organizations to follow. The goal of the founders was to transcend the limitations to which traditional Asian American organizations were subject to facing. Their vision was that the members would eventually become the leaders of their respective communities and bridge the gaps fragmenting the Asian American community through the affiliation with a common organization. Unknowingly, their efforts had set the stage for the emergence of the largest organization of its kind.
Noting that Asian fraternities and sororities at the UC campuses were recognized only as service organizations due to their memberships focus on specific Asian groups and to the exclusion of other ethnic groups, the goal of the founders was to transcend this limitation. The founders hoped to set new and higher standards of excellence for all Asian-interest organizations to follow, while feeling a need to offer a fraternity that would be recognized by the IFC and the Greek system. While the original charter focused on Asian Pacific Americans, people from all ethnic backgrounds were welcome to join and support the brotherhood of Lambda Phi Epsilon. Their vision was that the members would eventually become the leaders of their respective communities and bridge the gaps that divided the Asian American community through an affiliation with a common organization. Master Craig Ishigo and Darryl L. Mu signed the charter as president and vice president, respectively.
Our Story

Our Story
The University of Texas at Austin chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon was established on November 11th, 1989 by thirteen visionary men, formally joining as the sixth chapter of the organization and the first to be established outside of the Pacific Coast. It received the letter designation of Zeta, sixth in the Greek Alphabet, to denote its position in the establishment order of all existing chapters and colonies. The chapter at the University of Texas at Austin then proceeded to both directly and indirectly establish all other chapters in the Southwest region, thus tying all their family lines back to the original thirteen charters of Zeta Chapter. The chapters of the Southwest Region in order of establishment date are as follows:
​University of Texas at Austin - Zeta (Ζ) Chapter - Est. November 11, 1989
University of Houston - Pi (Π) Chapter - Est. May 14, 1993
Baylor University - Alpha Gamma (ΑΓ) Chapter - Est. September 9, 1997
University of Texas at Dallas - Alpha Omicron (ΑΟ) Chapter - Est. November 20, 2005
University of Oklahoma - Alpha Phi (ΑΦ) Chapter - Est. December 2, 2007
University of Texas at Arlington - Beta Beta (ΒΒ) Chapter - Est. April 7, 2013
Zeta Chapter is renown for the conception and design of the official crest of Lambda Phi Epsilon and has had numerous members serve on the National Board of the fraternity, in addition to hosting the Southwest Governor's Cup and National Convention. During the first period of its existence, Lambda Phi Epsilon at Zeta Chapter reigned as the premier Asian-interest fraternity on campus, totaling at over two hundred brothers and claiming a seat as the only Asian-interest organization in the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
On December 10, 2005 a tragic incident involving alcohol poisoning took place, resulting in the death of active member Phanta "Jack" Phoummarath. Following the incident, Zeta Chapter was suspended by the University indefinitely, survived only by the undying determination and contributions of its existing members and alumni.
Seven long years after the incident, a group of ten determined men set out with a firm resolve to revive the famed chapter and raise high its letters once again. After a full year and a half of their hard work, Zeta Chapter was reestablished and recognized once again on the UT campus by the Fall 2013 Alpha Upsilon Class on November 17th, 2013.
Today, we strive to rebuild our House to the height it formerly stood and beyond. To that end, the Zeta Chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon is once again crossing classes to expand its membership.
About Us
Lambda Phi Epsilon (ΛΦΕ, also known as LPhiE, LFE, or 人ä¸çŽ‹) is the largest and only internationally recognized Asian American interest fraternity in the world. Lambda Phi Epsilon is affiliated with both the North-American Interfraternity Conference and the National APIA Panhellenic Association.
Lambda Phi Epsilon’s vision is to be the preeminent international Asian interest fraternal organization, and to provide leadership, philanthropy, and advocacy in the community.
The mission of the organization is to promote Lambda Phi Epsilon and its members by:
Providing active members with leadership training and hands-on experience, for both personal growth and academic achievement.
Promoting leadership of alumni in the community, creating opportunities, and encouraging the spirit of fellowship.
Promoting positive Asian American awareness and providing philanthropy to the community.
Mr. Hunter Chang
Mr. Randy Fujimoto
Mr. John Hanvey
Master Craig Ishigo
Mr. Jeff Kaku
Mr. Bobby Kawai
Mr. Dean Kumagawa
Mr. Jim Lee
Mr. Bruce Mau
Mr. Ted Mihara
Mr. Neil Miyazaki
Mr. Darryl L. Mu
Mr. Kelvin Sakai
Mr. Kevin Shida
Mr. Albert Sun
Mr. Weyton Tam
Mr. Jamie Watanabe
Mr. Bennett Wong
Mr. Fred Wong
Mr. Jackson Chen
Mr. Paul Cheng
Mr. Thai Hoang
Mr. Jack Kuo
Mr. Mark Lee
Mr. Thai Pham
Mr. Lung Sern
Mr. Huny Sim
Mr. Rob Su
Mr. Tone Thongyai
Mr. Shane Yang
Mr. Steve Yang
Mr. Paul Yen
Mr. David Chen
Mr. Kevin Jung
Mr. Brian Lau
Mr. Andy Lee
Mr. John Nam
Mr. Gee Ni
Mr. Daniel Wang
Mr. Steven Wu
Mr. Segyero Yoon
Mr. Phillip Yu